Contact points
These offices offer free advice and support for everyone who has been directly or indirectly being affected by harassment in their working environment or during their studies: victims and harassers, supervisors and HR managers, falsely accused ones and witnesses.
External contact point
The University of Berne has defined the Counselling Centre Universities of Bern as an external contact point for students and staff. The external contact point offers free advice and support. It will provide you with information on possible procedures, accompany and supports you in talks with superiors or those involved, and discusses with you any further steps you might like or need to take. The contact persons are sworn to absolute secrecy and only initiate further steps if you explicitly want them to do so.
Counselling Centre Universities of Bern
The advisors know the University’s system, are personally and institutionally independent and can offer you free legal advice.
Contact: Mirjam Zeiter, federally recognised psychotherapist,
Internal contact points at the University of Bern
There are three contact persons at the University of Bern who are responsible for the topic of sexual harassment. The University of Bern takes reports of sexual harassment seriously and takes appropriate action in response to the situation. Reports are received confidentially. Steps will only be taken with the express consent of the person concerned. Students or employees who have been affected can report it here:
- Tim Arni, Head of Human Resources Office: counselling in the area of labor-law
- Ursina Anderegg, deputy head of the Office for Equal Opportunities: Prevention and advice about the procedure
- Christoph Pappa, Head of Legal Service Office: Information about legal external condition
Investigating persons
In case of unclear, complex or contradictory facts, one of the two investigating persons is called in. This person takes over the further investigation. Investigators at the University of Bern:
- Prof. Dr. Ineke Pruin, Assistant Professor of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Berne
- Prof. Dr. Jonas Weber, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bern
For the staff of the Insel Group
Further informationen (internal website): employment agency
- free online advice and support in different languages
- Schlichtungsbehörde Bern-Mittelland
Effingerstrasse 34, 3008 Bern
Telefon 031 635 47 50
Die Schlichtungsbehörde führt unter Telefon 031 635 47 60 kostenlose Rechtberatungen durch
- Lantana, Fachstelle Opferhilfe bei sexueller Gewalt für Frauen
Aarbergergasse 36, 3011 Bern
Telefon 031 313 14 00
Online Beratungsangebot unter
- Fachstelle Gewalt Bern, vertraulich und anonyme Gewaltberatung
Hotline 0 765 765 765
- VPOD, Sektion Bern
Monbijoustrasse 61, 3007 Bern
Telefon 031 371 67 45
- Bernischer Staatspersonalverband BSPV
Postgasse 60, Postfach, 3000 Bern 8
Telefon 031 311 11 66